I enjoy keeping up with your ladies blog and consider it a blessing to share a little of our work here in Mexico. I would like to share with you, about one of our most faithful members of the mission we work with on Sunday mornings. Oh, that we all would be like her…
Sister Aurora turned 80 on August 13th. We had a fellowship brunch for her on Sunday the 16th. Since we have to leave immediately after our morning services to get to a Sunday afternoon mission service about one and a half hours south, we decided to have the special meal before the services.
We had "pozole", which is a delicious soup made with hominy and either pork or chicken. It is garnished with either shredded lettuce or cabbage, chopped chili peppers, onions, and lemon juice, accompanied with tostadas. One of the biggest blessings was that the landlord of our rental house, along with his wife, came to the brunch and to church for the first time ever! It has been twenty years since we first became acquainted with them.
They are both 86 and we have tried many times over the years to share the gospel with them. Please pray that the devil will not snatch away the seed sown in their hearts.
Sister Aurora has an amazing testimony. She came to the Lord many years before we began working with this mission. She and her husband Gabriel are extremely poor. Although they have always lived from hand to mouth, the Lord has provided their needs. Aurora would harvest cactus, and peel, cut and cook it to sell in town to make ends meet. Gabriel used to drink heavily. He beat and abused Aurora. Gabriel forced Aurora to go gather firewood barefoot, in fear she would leave him for someone else.
Another missionary wife even counseled Aurora to leave Gabriel for her own personal safety, but Aurora chose to trust the Lord and stay with Gabriel. Aurora tearfully gave testimony last Sunday of how much the Lord has changed Gabriel! She said, "We are happy now!" He has stopped drinking and listens to Christian broadcasts on the radio. He will not leave the house for any reason, out of fear they will be robbed (as if they had anything of value to steal!). But he always encourages his wife to be faithful in church. She tithes and attends church faithfully. One of their sons was murdered for his faith about 25 years ago. There is no evidence of any bitterness on his mother's part, just a sweet, strong faith. We thank the Lord for the example of Aurora's faithfulness, and pray that we can be as faithful as she has been.
Thank you for your faithfulness in supporting our work in Mexico all these years. May we all continue to be “faithful Auroras” in the place God has put us.
Pat Christenson
Missionary wife to Mexico
Thank you Pat-
What a faithful friend you are to us here at NTBC- but even more your faithfulness to your husband and the work where with God called you to.
May God continue to Bless you and give you many more souls there.
An amazing story of an amazing woman who has such strong faith in her Lord! Inspirational, to be sure!
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