Hello From South Africa

Dear Ladies of New Testament,

I have to be about the world's worst at writing letters. I do want you to know that I think of you so much more then I communicate. It seems like every time I want to sit and write, my husband is on the computer, and I am afraid that the prospect of sitting and writing a letter by hand is getting to seem like a lot of work. But even though it is not an excuse please know how much we love and appreciate all of you. Your cards, letters and gifts are so appreciated. You make us feel so loved and appreciated.

It has been a very busy year. As you know from our prayer letters our ministry not only involves work here in South Africa but also outreach into Botswana and into Uganda. My husband and our pastor made a trip to Uganda in January. What a blessing to spend time with the believers there. They are so hungry for the Word and just love having someone to come and teach them. They are willing to sit for hours and just soak up the Word. How spoiled we all are when we know we can have teaching at least three services a week and sometimes do we think that we are spending too much time in church? Even I have to be reminded from time to time how blessed I am to have the opportunity to be around men of God who can teach and preach the Word and challenge me in my spiritual life. James and Diane are doing well. We just heard this week that she was in hospital. She is expecting their third child and she has a lot of difficulty with her pregnancies. She is very ill for the first four months or so and has trouble keeping any food down, so remember her and her famiy in your prayers.

The outreach into Botswana seems to be doing well. We enjoyed having Pastor Scheving and Jeremy here for a few days. Jeremy has been back to our house a few times. They are busy with many Bible studies with people in the Francistown area. There will be people from Fargo Baptist Church coming and going until the end of September. What a privilege for them to be able to come and experience the mission field first hand. They are finding the people very interested. So pray for the studies and that they will be able to see many come to a saving knowledge of the Lord and also to be able to disciple them in the Christian walk.

The works here are going well. Steven and Emily are seeing growth in Letlhakaneng. They have also been a real blessing to us. They both are working jobs and it is been a struggle for them. Emily especially is under stress at her work as well as trying to keep up with her duties as wife and mother. Those of you who work, know how hard it is to keep up with both, then add the struggle of not having all the labor saving devices that we have in America. Just keeping the dust at bay is a full time job in Africa in the winter.

Harry and Boitumelo and the boys are doing well. She will be going for a full scan the first part of July to check on the cancer. She has down very well and has had such a sweet spirit. It is a blessing to watch how the Lord has used this in their lives to draw them closer to the Lord. They have moved back to the house on the church property so that they can have electricity. The goverment house they had is much nicer as it is made from brick and actually has an indoor bathroom. But they found out they would not be getting electricity there for two more years. So they had to decide on whether or not to have electricity or to have indoor plumbing. So they chose electricity even though now they are in a house made of corrugated iron and it is much colder at night in the winter. I am so glad that I don't have to chose one over the other. The work there is going well, slower then any of us would like, but some are growing. There are several teen girls attending that need to be saved so pray for them.

In just a few days we will be leaving for a two month visit to the States. Most of you know that our son Jim will be getting married to Karen Due on the 20th of June. We are so excited to welcome another member into the family. Jim has waited mostly patiently for God to provide a wife and God has blessed him with a sweet girl and one we all love dearly already. Also while there we will be able to welcome another new member as Dan and Tiffany will be having a little girl somewhere around the 26th of June. We are excited to be able to be there for this great event. We are also dying to spend time with our grandson, Dominck. He is growing so fast. We have so enjoyed the technology that has allowed them to send us pictures and video over the internet so that we have watched him grow, but it is definitly not the same as being there. So our arms are eager to give lots of hugs.

My Dad has had a rough winter. He has had pneumonia three times and also has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. It will be good to spend time with him while we are there. It is so hard to watch your parents grow old. The last time I talked to him he was very discouraged with his inability to have the energy and strength to do things. Hopefully with the warmth of summer and being able to go outside will cheer him up. My sister is supposed to be coming from Oklahoma for the wedding and will bring Dad over for the day. That is a real blessing as we weren't quite sure how to get him there and still be able to fulfill all the activities of being the parents of the groom. So God has worked it out for us.

We will be planning on spending time at your family camp so will look forward to seeing you all and getting to chat in person. We want you all to know how much we love you all. Your church is a constant encouragement to us. May God continue to bless you all and use you as you serve Him there in Larimore and around the world through your giving to missions.

Love in Christ,
Jackie Wyatt
Missionary wife to South Africa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so nice having you at our Family Camp. We are going to miss you when you go back to South Africa. Thank you for being faithful in our place, over there. We love you both a whole lot!