Hello From Chile!

I do hope that this update finds you all doing well and going forward with the Lord! We have been quite busy here, as is normal for the month of February. First, I want to take this time to thank you for all the little notes, cards, gifts and especially the prayers that have been sent our way. We know that with out your prayers, we could not be here in the first place. So, THANK YOU!

The following week, we geared up for Vacation Bible School! Our teens were "in charge" of the program, and proved to do a good job. They also learned a lot about all that goes in to a program geared for kids, and are willing to do it again next year, Lord willing. It was a blessing to see some of them involve themselves in ways that they had not done before and it was evident that the Lord was truly helping each one to do a good job. Our highest attendance was thirty. There was singing, puppets, class time, and an appearance of 'Nachito'. He is one of our men who dresses the part of a child and speaks like one, too. He helps the kids to "apply" what they learned in their class each evening. They all loved him and looked forward to seeing him each night. We hope to see more folks from the neighborhood come out to services because of the contacts made from this week.

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