Hello from Honduras Ladies!

Thank you so much for your letters, gifts, and the caring that you show toward the missionary wives. I always wish there was a way I could write to each and every one of you and thank you for all the things you send and do. Unless someone is going to the states, it is very difficult for us to send out letters from here. E-mail is my best avenue of communication.

We have been very busy since we got back from our recent trip to the states, but praise the Lord, we are now able to be back to our full schedule since Al has recovered completely from the surgery. He feels wonderful! The mission work did well while we were gone, and we were happy to see that there were new faces in the group. I have one addition to my Sunday school class. Her name is Berni, and she said she had accepted the Lord as her Saviour when she was 14 years old. She is now twenty years old, and is a full time nanny to a family in the colonia.

I have begun a study of John, and am making a devotion series for the girls, and encouraging them to read their Bibles every day and answer the questions that I make up for the chapter. The goal is to not miss any days in this month. Berni has not missed since she started two Sundays ago. One of the other girls, Alba, has also been faithful with this. We are also memorizing Romans 3:23-27, and most of them have done that as well. Sintia, for whom we have been praying for salvation, accepted the Lord in her home. Her mother led her to the Lord. Another girl whose name is Suyen still hasn't come to repentance and salvation, so I'd appreciate your prayers for her.

Jackie and Carlos Ramirez have been helping us with Jackie teaching the children from one to ten years, and Carlos taking the boys eleven and up. Carlos also leads the singing, takes the offering, and leads the Bible reading. They have been a great blessing to us. Jackie usually has between 15 and 20 children in her class.

The Lord has given us other chances to witness as well. One day when I was in a store, I was talking to a worker there. She asked me what we were doing here in Honduras. I told her we were Baptist missionaries, and she said she had been to a Baptist church once and thought their teachings were really interesting. I asked her if she was Catholic, and she said yes. Then I asked if she had heard how to know Jesus as her personal Saviour when she was at the Baptist church. She said, "No", she had never heard of such a thing. I said that I needed to tell her about it, and she said, "Tell me now!" So, I got to witness right there at that moment. My plan is to take her a Bible and some tracts the next time I go back there. Her name is Miriam. Please pray for her.

Another person that we are praying for and want to win to the Lord, is a business man named Camilo whose wife was killed last year. He had said he wanted Al to come and talk to him, so Al has called several times. He was supposed to come to the house and be with us one evening, but didn't show up, and when Al finally was able to get him again, he said he wasn't interested right now. He has been diagnosed with cancer and doesn't know the Lord as his Saviour. He's still grieving for his wife, but feels like he doesn't have time for the things of the Lord. We still pray the Lord will work in his heart and allow us opportunity even yet to talk to him one more time.

As we mentioned in the prayer letter, we met a young man on visitation that is paralyzed from the waist down. He was shot in the back and left for dead. He has recovered except that he is confined to a wheel chair. He gives God the glory, and says that he feels God allowed that accident to bring him to salvation. He had been witnessed to many times by one of his friends and he always scoffed and rejected, thinking he had his whole life ahead of him. When we visited him, he was so excited that we would bring him to church. Pray that he will continue to be faithful, and will join the work.

There are many open doors that we would like to walk through, so again we ask you to pray with us that the Lord will use us as he sees fit. Our desire and aim is to serve the Lord to the best of our ability and win many people to Him before he comes again.

Thanks again for your prayers,
Lee Pflueger


Cherith said...

This was such a blessing, hearing how the Lord is using you all in the work there in Honduras! Sure love and appreciate you! May we all stay faithful to our Lord till He returns!

Anonymous said...

This really was such a blessing to read. And... the pictures of the precious people you work with made it an even bigger blessing. Our eye does affect our heart. Remember...there are some people in Larimore, N.D. that love you and pray for you as you labour for the Lord in Honduras.

Audrey said...

This blessed my heart, being able to see the pictures of your people and your work there. May God continue to use you and give you strength and health to keep on for Him... We love you