News From South Africa

An interview with Sue Norberg, missionary wife of Gary Norberg with whom she serves God in South Africa.

Sue, tell us some things about your early life.

I was born in Aurora (a suburb of Denver), Colorado, while my dad was stationed there with the Air Force. I have one older brother, a younger brother, and two younger sisters.

Gary and I were married July 23, 1976. We had met while on a church canoe trip. I was at Shell City, the landing site where we began the canoe trip, when the church bus arrived. When Gary stepped off the bus, I was smitten at first sight! When I got to know him, I was attracted by his honesty and his desire for spiritual growth.

We have four children, two boys and two girls, ages 30 to 24. Three of them live in Grand Forks, ND and one lives in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. The two girls are married.

The most important thing we strove to instill in our children was faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His profound love for us, despite our unworthiness. We want them to live always with the conscious knowledge that all things truly do work together for good for God's children. No matter what happens in this life, "it will be worth it all when we see Jesus."

I learned so much from my grandparents, particularly my mother's parents. My happiest memories are the times we spent on the farm with them. My Grandpa Emslie died when I was 13 , but I remember that he liked a good joke, and that he always had time for his friends and neighbors. He was firm, but I recall a tender side in that he didn't use a certain tractor each spring until fledglings left the nest that was in it. My grandmother was a born teacher who passed on many things to me, including the knowledge of gardening, canning, cooking, baking, sewing, crocheting, and piano playing. She taught me punctuality and organization. Most important of all,she taught all of her grandchildren about God, the importance of His Word, and the importance of attending church.

From my mother I learned joyfulness and thriftiness, and from my father I learned to do the best that I could.

How has your life changed since going to the mission field?

We came to South Africa in July of 1991, and my life has changed dramatically since then. To begin with, we had to adjust to a metric system, a different currency, a warmer climate, opposite seasons from the USA, different products available, and driving on the left side of the road. Many of the customs and names for things are different here. We had to learn to communicate with others who spoke very little English, and we have tried to learn two other languages. Even the way we shake hands is different. We also had to get used to fences, security bars, and the lack of cleanliness in various places. We had bed bugs brought into our house, and we became acquainted with a fly that lays eggs in the skin, then hatch into worms. We have seen poverty that is heart wrenching and diseases that are rare in the US. We have spent scores of hours in public hospitals and clinics with sick people.

As white people, we are in the minority, and there is sometimes a leanness of fellowship with people who truly believe and live like we do. Of course, we miss family, sometimes painfully. But God has given us 'family' here that we love.

We have met for church in houses and buildings where there is no electricity, so candles or lanterns were used. There is no plumbing in any of the buildings we have met in. There are no musical instruments in church services, and many of the songs that we sing were new to us when we came. On occasion, we have been amused to have dogs, goats, bats, bees, and chickens visit the church services.

We have had to get used to a large variety of insects, poisonous snakes, and thorn trees. We have been blessed to see African animals in the wild and an abundance of beautiful bird life you could only imagine. In Lesotho, basically untouched by electricity, the night sky is breathtaking and you can see stars all the way to the ground!

When you need to 'get away,' what do you like to do?

For relaxation, I like to read, especially biographies or stories about missionaries. I also like to cross-stitch, and once in awhile I do some sewing for others. I am known here for my baking because I make cakes for church functions and birthdays. Most of the people we work with, have no way to bake. I like to care for animals, and people here are amused that I treat them as pets.

I love the Lord, family, friends, flowers, babies, dogs, happy endings, cleaning and organizing, and knowing that God is working in people's lives.

Is there anyone you particularly admire or who has had a Godly influence in your life?

In general, I admire missionaries in times past who had little or no communication with family or home country for years on end. Many endured wars, famine, persecution, illness, and a number of other trials without feeling sorry for themselves--counting it all joy to be able to share God and His Word with the people God had called them to.

What special things has God done for you?

I was saved at the age of 14 while attending Bible Baptist Church youth camp at Bachelor's Grove, ND. Since then, I can think of many times when I was assured of God's care, even over the 'little things' in my life--things such as a food need being met, bills being provided for, pumpkin pie brought for Thanksgiving when we had moved and didn't yet have an oven, and finding the lost diamond from my wedding ring. When our family was going through a particularly difficult trial, I expressed the desire for a pink scarf, and the next day a church family brought a meal to us--and a pink scarf that she had made! It met a need in my heart,assuring me that God had not abandoned us. Being God's child truly does give joy and peace that I never had before I knew Him, and it is my greatest desire that others come to know Him too.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sue,
What a great testimony you are to many who never even met you (like me!) I hope our paths cross one day. I look forwward to getting to know you.
Emilie Rettig

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue,
How precious are the memories of you- your love and devotion to the Lord and His church. Your encouragement to me is very special, You and Gary hold a very dear place in our hearts. We so desire to come see you in Africa- it is our dream - I love you so very much,

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Norberg,
Thank you for sharing this with the blog! Your testimony and example are encouraging. It is a blessing to see how the Lord has worked in your life to bring His purpose for you to pass. You are a blessing :)