Update From Bolivia

Dear praying friends,

I decided to write today because several people have written to ask about the situation here in Bolivia. At this point, things are still calm. Strikes and such are supposed to begin again on the 13th of October, though one can never be sure of this. In the meantime, we are enjoying the reprieve. I was able to send 3 large bags of clothes to the orphanage in Santa Cruz. A missionary family donated them to the girls and we were finally able to ship them. There were many nice things and I am anxious to hear their reaction when they opened the bags. (We hadn't shipped them before because there hadn't been any buses running.)

I taught this past Sunday morning. I was a little nervous, but it went well. It has been quite a long time since I have had the privilege to teach. Cynthia enjoyed just sitting and learning. At first, it was decided that she give up teaching altogether, but after talking it over with her, we are going to take turns every other week. This will take some pressure off of her, but at the same time she will have opportunities to teach. As she is such a good teacher, I am thankful for this.

I had asked for you to pray that I would get much done on various projects. On Thursday, I was working on one of them and realized that I was nearly done. I then remembered asking prayer for this. I think I should have asked you to pray much sooner! :-) Anyway, God did indeed help me and it is a good feeling to be done with a few of them. Thank you for praying.

Well, I best get back to work. I just wanted everyone to know that I am just fine here in Sucre. Thank you to all those who wrote expressing concern for my safety. AND thank you for praying for the various projects...there is still much to do, but I don't feel quite so overwhelmed!

God bless,

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