News From The Pas, Canada

Dave, Michelle, Deborah, Joseph, and Ruthie Brauer

Dear Ladies,

It's been such an interesting several months! After a busy summer of attending and counseling at Bible camps, we have settled back into living in the north country. This is a very interesting place to live.

Just the other day I was outside walking back from an errand and a large group of suspicious-looking adults approached me. I thought, “Sure looks like gang material...maybe I should go another way.” Then I noticed it was mixed genders so I wasn't too scared. Looking confident, I came closer, as I had to pass them on the sidewalk in order to get home. I looked at them and gave them a smile. As they passed two women from the back of the group stopped near me and asked excitedly, “Where do you work?” I told them I worked at home; I was a pastor's wife. I pointed to the church building, about two doors away by now. They hurriedly and desperately began telling me of their problems and their struggles with addictions. I told them that they may need to change friends to stay away from the temptation. One lady said, “My friends? It's not my's my FAMILY!!”

I know that, oftentimes this is the case with these folks. They try to break out of addictions only to be lured back by their own family members. So I encouraged the ladies to come to our addictions program Friday night. They had asked me if I would pray for them. So right their on the sidewalk we bowed our heads and I asked God to show them Himself, bring them to repentance and show them their need for Him and His forgiveness. They really appreciated least they acted like they did. Sometimes I don't know whether to believe people up here or not...lying is so epidemic. But they didn't show up Friday. That's the way it goes sometimes. This is a place of little commitment. However, God called us here and it's important that we stay and be faithful to the Lord.

Although there are many people who have been ministered to here and several that have been saved, so many people do not stay here. And yet, I wonder, where would they be spiritually if there had been no lighthouse here in The Pas for them to turn to for help when they had finally come to the end of themselves? I praise the Lord that we have a real Saviour who has the power to save souls and change lives!

I also thank the Lord for ladies like you, who are such a source of encouragement to us ladies on the mission field. You are heroes! Just think what a wonderful part you play in the salvation of souls and the spread of the gospel because you prayed, you thoughtfully gave encouragement in many ways, and because you sensitively knew what kinds of things cheer up a lady...and that cheers up her man and children...and that makes us all much more effective for the Lord! I think of how the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 uplifts her husband and he is “known in the gate.” You are virtuous women, not asking for renown, but because of your dedication and care, missionaries who are “known in the churches” are uplifted. God bless you!

Just think, if only a cup of cold water brings a reward to the giver, what do you think the Lord has in store for you, who constantly give of yourselves because of your love for the Lord and for people? I am so thankful to be bound together with you as co-laborers with each other and with the Lord himself. May we all be a blessing to our great and wonderful God, who is worthy of all of our praise, all our love, and all our lives.

With Love and Thanks,

Michelle Brauer

PS. Thank you for continuing to encourage me and correspond with me though I haven't corresponded lately with you very much. I was going through some difficult physical trials and was unable to write like I wanted to. I am doing so much better now, for which I also thank the Lord. Your faithfulness in corresponding with me even when I couldn't really write reminds me of the Lord's faithfulness to us even when our strength is small and our faithfulness to Him is shaky. Underneath us are the “everlasting arms”; He never puts us down. He holds us in His mighty hand. What security! What a blessing it is to be truly saved and belong to the King of kings! What a privilege to be adopted into His family. How can people pass this up? I'll never understand a person esteeming anything to be of higher value than salvation in Christ. They must not really understand. How could they know the glories of walking with God Himself...the comfort that His Holy Spirit brings...the joy of knowing that your sins are gone forever?

That's why we are here. We want to show them, to tell them that they can be saved too. Please continue in your faithful prayers as we witness to folks. We pray for boldness and effectiveness.

God bless you ladies! (And God bless the other faithful folks in your church too!) May God continue to do a great work among you! That is my prayer for you! We'll rejoice together in what God does !

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