More News From South Africa

Bro. and Mrs. Norberg and Bro. Scott Kuzel preparing for the funeral.

 Jackie comforting Bro. Harry.

The arrival of the body on Friday evening at 6 pm.  The actual funeral was at 6:30 am the next day.

 Bro. Scott Kuzel preached the funeral along with Bro. Gary Norberg.

 Bro. Zebulon and his daughter, Lerato singing at the funeral.

  Boitimelo's grave in Majakanang

  Bro. Scott comforting Bro. Harry as he leaves for home.

The funeral for this dear African pastor's wife went well.  Twelve independent Baptist preachers attended.  A couple of these men are not right with God and faithful to a Biblical Baptist walk, but it was exciting to see them all in one place. About 400 people attended Boitimelo's funeral and many of these people were unsaved.

This news update was sent by our Missionary, George Wyatt.

What a blessing to know that our NTBC missions giving made it possible for Bro. George and Bro. Gary Norberg to go to South Africa in order to reach Boitimelo and her family for Jesus Christ!  We will all get to meet her in Heaven one day soon!  It could be today….will you be there also?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this with us. It touched deep into my heart. Dianne